While having a conversation with a sweet young lady about the importance of praying for one another, the spider web was mentioned. We talked about the strength of it and when you picture a group of Christians gathered around someone who has asked for prayer, it resembles a spider web. So I ask, Have you ever noticed the strength of a spider web 🕸️? Ever notice how the spider rests in the middle of the web because it’s the strongest point that holds its weight? Have you ever tried to picture a group of people gathered around an individual while praying? What does it look like to you? As I thought about the spider web and how there is great strength in every strand, I thought about the strength of a prayer “web”. Stick with me on this. When you ask for prayer at church and you gather at the altar, your fellow brothers and sisters gather around you placing their hands on your shoulder or upper back area then that person behind them do the same to the person in front of them and so on. Why? To connect in agreement with one another for the prayer request to be heard. To show strength in the prayer line for you. To bear your burden as everyone gathers. The strongest point of that prayer “web” is in the middle, right where you are because all of those who are in agreement with you have encircled you, laying hands on you and are crying out to God for you. There is extreme strength in this.
This same prayer “web” can be obtained through public prayer requests as the word spreads that a fellow Christian is in need of prayer then others are made aware of the request. The word spreads to more and more people, a “web” is formed “around” that person. Prayers are constantly going up for the person and strength is found as that person is figuratively surrounded by many hands laying upon them. Link after link is connected by the next strand of people until the person in the middle is completely supported by the prayers of God’s people. There is extreme strength in this.
Let me ask: why do we not ask for such a prayer “web” more often? Why do we hold onto our problems instead of requesting prayer? Why do we ignore the opportunity to be healed, to be set free, to get in touch with God on the highest level we can? We need to be gathering in prayer “webs” every opportunity we can whether its for our own personal needs, for the needs of our church, for the needs of others or for the needs of the lost.
O Lord God, Please forgive me for not seeing the full strength and power in the prayer “web” that You so diligently fashioned. Please forgive Your people for allowing ourselves to become to socialized for such things. I want to tap into every connection You have for me. I want to be a part of Your prayer “web”.