With all the rain currently being forecasted, I’ve thought about the effects that flooding can have on areas. Then I considered a few things: A small amount of flooding usually isn’t all that bad. It doesn’t do much to the area, the ground, roads or a house. A minimum amount of flooding could start to cause damage to an area. Washing away roads, moving mud, causing damage under or around a house. A major amount of flooding will cause devastating damage to an area. Washing away bridges, flooding an entire town, blocking all entry in and out for safe passage, causing loss to the entire house and families can lose everything. Flooding can have very different effects on areas, because this flooding comes from the rain.
Then there’s flooding of the Holy Spirit which has a different effect on people. A small amount of Holy Spirit flooding can move you, give you some happiness for a short time, but that small amount evaporates quickly. A minimum amount of Holy Spirit flooding can have fuller effect on you. Giving you a desire to want knowledge but only from the pastor, giving you a desire to pray but only when you have a problem, giving you a desire to serve Him but as long as it doesn’t take all of your time. A major amount of Holy Spirit flooding can have the fullest, most meaningful effect on you. You are overflowing with spiritual happiness. You are filled completely with the desire to not just want knowledge but you seek it out from Him through prayer, fasting and studying. You are filled completely with the desire to cry out to God in prayer for everyone and not just yourself. To pray not just during the trial but daily for everything, having a prayer closet and a prayer language between you and God. You are filled completely with the desire to serve Him with all of your heart, mind, body and soul. Not just giving tithes to Him and time at church. But going beyond the walls of the church. Completely committed to Him above all else.
Lord God Almighty, Thank You for showing me it’s not enough to be partially flooded by the Holy Spirit. I need to be completely overflowing, not to cause damage as flooding from rain does, but to the building up of Your Kingdom.