Approximately 3 years ago, I learned about the different states, of our country, who have given up their electoral votes over to the popular vote. These states are controlled by one side who want complete control, to have things their way only. This takes away the rights of at least half of that state by doing so. As I thought about the choices of these states and my mind went to Moses who stood before Pharaoh, I quickly realized we were in the same situation. Pharaoh wanted to govern the people his way or no way. It didn’t matter to him that he was suppressing an entire nation of millions of people. He wanted his power, control and to continue to be comfortable in his wealth. His advisers, “wise” men and sorcerers would advise him in such ways that best kept them in their comfort. They, too, did not want to give up any of the power and wealth. God sent men to warn them, to compel them to do the right thing, to see what these decisions would do to all the people including their own. In the end, God’s people would have their Exodus. They would travel to the land God promised them.
Is this not us today? We are being told this is how it will be, it doesn’t matter how we vote because they are seeking complete control over the “freedom” to vote by stacking the odds in their favor. They don’t want it any other way but their own way. It doesn’t matter who they suppress, who they affect or what happens to the people overall. As long as they have control, they can’t see how this will play out and hurt everyone. It’s a “their way or no way” type of governing. Just like Pharaoh, they don’t realize God’s people will be set free, we won’t be suppressed, we won’t be down trodden for our Exodus (Rapture) is coming and we will travel to the land God has promised us. Hold onto God and don’t waver because God’s promise always stands true. Our Exodus is coming any day.
My Lord and Savior, I am completely blessed and thankful that You are my guide and the One who governs me and my life. With the eternal promise of heaven at hand, I rejoice for the children of God. My heart is also heavy for those who have not yet been set free. I pray everyone would have their eyes and hearts opened because now is truly the excepted time and our redemption draws near.