
Seeing all of these infomercials, videos that slowly pull you in by saying they’ve quietly discovered a way to be a healthier them, clenseing themselves of all the things that plague their bodes and minds. You’ll sit there for several minutes listening because you’re intrigued as to what great discovery they will share that they claim to be so simple and why hasn’t anyone shared this before now. They use their words well to keep your attention and interest until you get so intrigued by it all that when they finally get to their “product” they’re selling, you are totally vested so you buy into everything they’ve said.

I said all of that to say this: if you are really looking for a healthier you: mind, body, soul and spirit then I have the ultimate solution for you. This solution is absolutely free, will cost you nothing because I’ll provide for you the one “tool” needed. So are you really wanting a healthier body, true everlasting peace for your mind, comfort through all of the stresses and grief of this world, for your heart to know true love (for those dating apps), for that love to be eternal and for your soul to always be filled with joy? Let me introduce you to Jesus, the only way to all of these eternal benefits. Jesus is the only way to obtain forgiveness; forgiveness that truly provides the true love you are longing for that never ends. That true love that stops the running to anything and everything because you long for it so extremely. Jesus is the only way to obtain a healthier you, for He tells His own to go and spread the word – be active. This exercises your body, reminds you to keep your body clean from toxins, in motion and take no thought about your meat. Jesus is the only way to obtain peace of mind, as He is our peace through forgiveness, true love, sacrifice, relief from stress, worry, and concern – place your yoke upon Him for His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Jesus is the only way to obtain strength through grief – for He is the resurrection. Resurrection unto eternal life, where death cannot enter in. Jesus is the only way to obtain faith through hardship – for it is He in whom we believe is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Jesus is the only way to obtain balance in life – for He is our only hope, our joy and happiness. No longer walking in anxiety and depression that this world places upon people because with Jesus, as your Savior, all of the enemy’s battles are defeated already. The victory is ours, for those born of God, this is the victory that overcame the world, even our faith.

Where can you find such amazing relief? At the foot of the cross, come to the altar, kneel and surrender all to Him. He’ll cleans you of all sin by washing your heart and soul with His blood. As you begin to feel all of those burdens to be lifted, you’ll feel the filling up of your soul. You’ll realize and recognize its all free for whosoever will and the one “tool” you need is God’s Holy Word – the King James Holy Bible. Which as I said, if you are in need of God’s Word then I will personally provide your sword. You’ll look at life differently because your way of life is different. Those thoughts of I must “give up” or “diet” from certain things no longer exist. You realize you’re outlook on life is different as you change. You attend church because you want to, you desire to and seek to be with like minded people.

Thank you to everyone who made the choice to read all of this, as you once watched some long video on how to find that healthier you. I pray that you choose Jesus today. The best choice I’ve ever made and I’ll never return to that unhealthy, unhappy, stressed out, miserable person I once was.

Thank You Jesus for being my Savior. Thank You for the healthier me. If there be anything in my life that I need to focus upon and prune away, please reveal it to me. I want to be as “healthy” as I can possibly be with You as my “trainer”.