
While thinking about one of Matt’s recent sermons, he spoke about how Jesus fed the 5000 men not including women and children with 2 fish and 5 loaves then took up remnants filling 12 baskets. How every time the disciples reached into the basket there was still food to be passed out. How every single man, woman and child had enough food to be completely filled up. No one went hungry. No one went without. The baskets were so overflowing that they were able to fill up 12 baskets of remnants of fish and bread. Then I thought about how some of those people gathered together that day, actually understood the miracle Jesus performed that day. How some of those people were spiritually filled with an overflowing edification for the Christ. How some were ready to follow Him no matter the path that be ahead of them. Then I thought about how there were some people who were only filled physically but never received the filling of their soul, therefore they were left still feeling hungry. I thought about how not everyone of those 5000+ people went on to follow Jesus, they made the choice to turn away, continue with the life they weren’t willing to give up. I wonder how many were filled but hungry on that day. Jesus knew. Jesus knew which ones would desire more, hunger after more, and truly want to be filled daily.

Then I wondered how often this still happens today. People get “filled” with false beliefs, false religions that do not actually fill up the soul but do fill up their “feelings” for the moment. An un-filling satisfaction. Or people who go through the motions of worship, praise, prayer and looking the part but never really know salvation for themselves. They are feeding on junk food. They praise having the outward look of being filled but they are starving on the inside, they gained no nutritional value (spiritual change). Starving for something they refuse to partake in because they are still looking with eyes of “you’ll have to give up your life.” They are looking through hungry eyes who only have “thoughts” of worship never giving themselves over to true worship. True worship is to actually know and love the Lord your God, to admit to God, to yourself and to others the existence of God and Jesus the only begotten Son. True worship as tears roll down your face because true conviction is taking place within, as you accept Jesus (the Bread of Life) as your own personal Savior you are being emptied of all darkness and filled up with the true Bread. You hunger no more. You thirst no more. As the Living Water quenches the thirsting of your soul. Then I often think about how people are attracted to the “junk food”, food that has no nutritional value whatsoever but yet people crave it and devour it as though it is satisfying them. This “junk food” comes from the distorted bibles people run to because “it’s easier to read” when in fact it doesn’t convict them for eating on junk food, it lacks nutrition. I think of churches whose preachers preach feel good sermons over the Holy Ghost convicting sermons that creates a stirring in your soul. I think about how people will say well that stepped on my toes a bit; lacking full nutrition. When what is needed is for their hearts to be pierced because the sermon God sent to His preacher actually convicted their soul. We all want to eat healthy because it is good for our bodies, to drink more water because it feeds our organs, to be active because it’s healthy for our muscle tone. But then I think about how if we go on a diet to “eat” better, we put in a cheat day or cheat meal so we can satisfy that craving for junk food. Christianity should not have cheat days within it. We need to be filled to the point that we go and sin no more. We have no desire, no cravings for junk food, for sin to be in our lives, for us to straddle the fence because we actually understand that we cannot serve two masters. Therefore I pray we attend a church that preaches the truth in God’s Word and that does not feed our craving for junk. I pray all preachers would stand upon the truth, are God called preachers and if they do not met the requirements given to us by God then they step down. I pray all Christians would desire and crave truth, obtaining a King James Bible, actually pray then read it. By showing your desire to want to know more about Jesus, praying and then getting into the Word, God will see your true efforts and fed your soul with the Living Word. I pray we all cast off all of the junk food and seek after the Bread of Life, being fortified by God and filled with nutritional food.

Lord God, Please forgive me for the time I spent trying to fill up on junk food that never revealed any good growth in me. I want the Bread of Life. I want the Living Water. I want to thirst after Your righteousness. I desire to “eat” healthy on truth. Fill me up, Lord.