A Thought: “Praise God, It’s Settled & I’m Saved!
As I listened to this song and thought about these words, I thought about the sweet peace that comes from knowing this to be true for myself. The comfort I find in these words provides the thankfulness of knowing in the depths of my heart and soul that my name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. That when I stand before God and He opens the Books He will go over my life; He will find the day I got saved, my victories, the times I stumbled along with the blood of Jesus covering those faults. He’ll find that I did fail Him to often, but I also listened to the conviction of the Holy Ghost and I humbly begged for forgiveness. He is faithful and just to forgive when He knows in my truest heart that I am honestly remorseful. He’ll go over all of my thoughts, my actions and my words. He’ll have before Him all of my good fruits of life and my bad fruits of life. There is a comfort in knowing He knows me that well. He knows absolutely everything about me in every way since before I was born. That is amazing and awesome to me. I don’t know if He’ll talk about the trials or valleys He and I went through together but it would seem awesome to be able to talk face to face with the Lord about those things. I don’t know exactly how it will be or what exactly will take place. I do know I will stand before Him, as will we all, to give an account for my life. I know He’ll find my name. Today and everyday I can say, Praise God, It’s settled and I am saved!