
While traveling home I noticed a road crew had patched a small section of the road. At first glance I thought, Oh how nice and smooth this section of the road is. But then I began to think about how that patch wouldn’t last long. That traffic would beat upon it and the job they did, the time they spent working on it, the money involved and manpower it took would all be for nothing. Because they would have to come back and patch it again.
“No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse.”
‭‭Matt‬ ‭9:16‬ ‭KJV‬‬
Hmm, that sounds like us. Why do we “patch” a small section of our problems or situations with what we think will work. A lot of times we only cause ourselves more grief. We waste time on “patching” when our time would be better spent in listening to the Lord then fix the problem. Don’t waste time, effort and make our situation worse. We sometimes don’t deal with the situation thinking it will just handle itself. These temporary “patches” won’t make things better. We need to listen to the Lord and let Him lead us in all situations. He doesn’t “patch” our problems or situations. He is the solution to all of our problems and situations.
Lord, I need to remember daily that I need to simply listen and not try to “patch” the situations in my life. I have You and You are all I need for everything in my life.