As dry as it has been lately and being harvest time, we’ve all seen the dust that lingers in the air when the farmers bring in the crops. We are all very thankful for our farmers, but we are affected by the dust. It seems to hang around, cars drive through it, and it comes in through every vent, crack and window possible. As we know harvest time is a must. This year seems especially worse because it has been so dry.
Which makes me ask, How “dry” will the harvest dust be on that day? The day of the coming of the Lord. The word says the fields will be ready but the workers few. Are the workers few because of dryness? And because of that dryness will there be a harvest dust lingering in the air? I can’t find in God’s Word where there will be a pouring out of the Spirit upon the people to moisten the harvest before that day. I do read about a great falling away, is that falling away because of dryness? Can you imagine that dryness? Weeks of going without rain, days of bright sun shining which dries up every ounce of morning dew, cracking of the dirt and leaves falling from the trees. Apply that picture to you, dryness of your soul, your spirit. Is your soul begging for living water, longing for some relief and to have that thirst quenched.
I don’t want to be dry before the harvest. I don’t want to see a harvest dust after the fields are worked. Because I want to be filled with the Spirit and ready for the harvest for when God sends His Son after His Church. When the fields are ready and the harvest begins. On that harvest day there won’t be a dust cloud lingering, but there will be confusion as to why and what happened.
Lord, forgive me for any and all sin in my life. I don’t want anything standing between me and You. Please open my eyes to all of my faults and teach me to cast them all off and always be completely prepared and ready. I desire to be filled up because I hunger and thirst after Your Living Water. I do not know the day of Your harvest. I do not want to be found dry.