
I am the type of cook who needs very precise instructions or I’ll get the recipe wrong. I’m not one of those cooks who can throw all these ingredients together and make something that tastes great. I need very precise instructions, precise ingredients as well as precise measurements. Every step needs to be written out for me and I must follow each precisely. Or the meal I’m trying to cook will not turn out well. Believe me I have tried it both ways. You can ask Matt. 😬
This also applies to my walk with God. I need His precise instructions, ingredients and the measurements to show me the precise recipe for the Godly walk He has for me. I have to read and study His word to gain His understanding for each step for having a Godly relationship with Him. His word holds the precise instructions, starting with salvation and ending with an eternity in heaven with Him. His word leaves out nothing that I need and adds nothing I don’t need.
When we follow God’s “recipe”, His precise instructions for our spiritual walk with Him then when we’ve finished our course, when we’ve ran our race, we will hear the words enter in thou good and faithful servant. Just as when we follow the precise instructions when cooking when we are finished we will have a great tasting meal or dessert. It’s up to us to follow the precise instructions or just throw things together. But which one will provide the exact results you are honestly wanting.
Lord Jesus, I know I’ve not always followed Your precise instructions within the word of God. Please forgive me for the times I’ve just thrown things together thinking that would suffice. Only to learn the hard way I was wrong. Through conviction and love, You’ve showed me the truest recipe for a righteous walk with God. Thank You for Your word, for precise instructions, for Your love, conviction and forgiveness.