
As you watch a sun rise you first see a glimmer of light breaking through the darkness. Slowly as the sun continues to rise light pushes the darkness back, and more colors start to be revealed. Once the sun has completely risen and the sky is filled with vibrant magnificent colors of all shades, one can be in awe of God’s wonderment. His artistry.
As I look upon such an amazing thing, I can’t help but think how the sun is the main source of all of the light and colors we see. Without the sun the colors wouldn’t be there and the darkness would continue. Isn’t that just like God and His people. He is our main source and without Him darkness would reign in our lives. We are all the different colors as God shines in our lives because we are all different people from different places. But yet when God shines through us we are all connected, just as the sun and the sky full of color. Without each other the sky would be dark. Without God and His people this world would be dark. See the beauty not only of the diversity of colors in a sun rise but also in God and His people. Because both are magnificently made.

I also thought upon the coming of Jesus as He will be sent by the Father to go get His diversity children. The Word of God tells us that: “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:” “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” 1 Thess 4:16-17  As I read these words, I picture some of the same things as in a sun rise. I picture vibrant, magnificent diversity of colors. I picture the darkness having no choice but to give way to the Light of the World as He descends from heaven. I picture all animals being silent as the trump of God is sounded and the graves burst wide open for those who are dead in Christ. Then I picture as those who are alive and remain, who are the Lord’s, being caught up into the air with the most powerful and amazing backdrop they’ll ever see with these human eyes just before entering heaven to see with heavenly eyes. Oh what a glorious sight it will be!! 

Will you see these thing? Will you be caught up? Are you ready for that last sun rise? Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? If you answer no in your heart, please contact me today so I can introduce you to this friend of mine, who will take away all of your sin, fill you with the most amazing grace and love that you’ve ever known. He’ll set you free! It is your choice!

It is my prayer that each and every person on this planet comes to know Jesus before it’s everlasting to late.